Brandings From OOAKs
- 12th Birthday (Hidden in the OOAK Horses given away at the AMaretto 12th Birthday)
- Lotus (Hidden in the 2023 OOAK Greek Goddess - Hera)
- Thunderbolt (Hidden in the 2023 OOAK Greek God - Zeus
- 2023 Happy 13th Birthday Amaretto! Branding (6 of these branding were giving away at Amaretto's 13th Birthday)
- Malachite Branding (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Watermelon Tourmaline (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Fluorite (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Rose Agate (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Rose Quartz (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Labradorite (Hididng in the OOAK Mineral Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- 2024 Happy 14th Birthday Amaretto! (Hididng in the OOAK Birthday Horse given away at Amaretto 14th Birthday)
- Brandings from OOAK Horses
12th Birthday
2023 Happy 13th Birthday Amaretto! Branding
Malachite Branding
Watermelon Tourmaline
Rose Agate
Rose Quartz
2024 Happy 14th Birthday Amaretto!