Community roundtable 11/7/2017

From Amaretto Breedables Horse Manual
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Attendees List

Transcript for Tuesday November 7, 2017

[16:06] KittenJen I will
[16:06] Fhederica hola Qtee
[16:06] Anaconda Carter lol
[16:06] Kelly (kellyisthename) sure i will
[16:06] Sussesweet kelly
[16:06] Anaconda Carter go for it kelly
[16:06] KittenJen typed
[16:06] ΅QTҼҼツ™ (qteebee) HҼLLѺ!!
[16:06] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) type it out girl!
[16:06] KittenJen As an auctioneer (retired) who has called horses, K-9s, Meeroos and Ponies, I think that auctions would be a good place to revamp the market. If your opening bids are less than 1k, it really isn't worth the hour, or two to call it. Most will not bring their best ponies, so most will sell at the opening bid or not at all, and the auctioneer makes almost nothing on the auction.
[16:06] KittenJen Personally it wouldn't be worth it to me to call an auction unless I was likely to make at least around 2500L, otherwise I would be wasting my time. 2 hour auctions are a time killer and most people leave after 1, so less panels, higher open, and faster calling is your best bet. Have a trait requirement, and a decent minimum bid, personally if you don't feel it is worth 1k, put it on a stand to sell it or get Oasis Points, but don't waste the time of everyone at an auction.
[16:06] Kelly (kellyisthename) whose turn
[16:06] ღ ιռуα ღ (inya.wulluf) ღ ιռуα ღ (Inya Wulluf): is it possible to have a summary about what the meeting is about
[16:06] KittenJen Markets need to work together instead of competing so hard, all these 25 panel, 2 hour, 300L minimum open auctions are not a good thing. Boost the market, have 10 -15 panels max,1K Open, let people compete to get in. Get Buyers there, if you have 20 panels and 25 people there no one is making money, because there are no buyers. If the market owners work together to make auctions a good thing, where the times are not so competitive you all could have a decent market share. If the sellers are competing to get in, then the buyers will come because you have the best Ponies to sell. That benefits the Market, the Auctioneer, the Sellers and the Buyers.
[16:06] KittenJen Its supposed to be fun, but it is after all a business, and the current model is bankrupting the market owners because you are losing money on auctions. Think smaller, more profitable. You don't need 8 auctioneers, and a comedy hour, you need a good entertaining auctioneer who is fast and doesn't beg for sales, good ponies to sell, and buyers to come to buy, not because you are giving money away. That's a short term gimmick you can't keep up with financially. Don't give away Ponies, Just have the best auctioneers, a place people want to be, Ponies people want to buy and Buyers that come because they know what they want is there and the ponies are worth their time to come for.
[16:07] Zenithblaze Fenwitch sorry lag
[16:07] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: yes
[16:07] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) sono d'accordo, il prezzo minimo di uno starter almeno
[16:07] spicyheav3n Resident I agree, the minimum price of one starter at least
[16:08] Kelly (kellyisthename) it could never be enforced though
[16:08] Kelly (kellyisthename) even if it is a great idea
[16:08] ღ ιռуα ღ (inya.wulluf) I agree
[16:09] Despina Boucher question to kittenjen
[16:09] Kelly (kellyisthename) if you own a breedable sim....yu as an owner could require maybe 300 minimum for anything. at 300 min the breeder covers his or her costs
[16:09] ღ ιռуα ღ (inya.wulluf) I cannot stand to see any horse go for 100 lindens, not worth our time or effort
[16:09] Anaconda Carter that kind of puts the smaller breeders who dont get fabulous drops out of the market
[16:10] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) brava jeanna
[16:10] spicyheav3n Resident brava jeanna
[16:10] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) good jeanna
[16:10] spicyheav3n Resident good jeanna
[16:10] Anaconda Carter how about not letting ppl add "bonus" bundles or horses to a panel that has a max of 2??
[16:10] Geno Lupindo THE Loss of the MY SL Chickens Group did great harm to the promotion to reaching Chicken folks why did ameritto not fill that gap?
[16:10] Geno Lupindo THE Loss of the MY SL Chickens Group did great harm to the promotion to reaching Chicken folks why did ameritto not fill that gap?
[16:11] Anaconda Carter amaretto has a chicken group geno
[16:11] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh i think Bewbs wants the floor
[16:11] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) no I don't
[16:11] Geno Lupindo Jus a question ?
[16:11] DarianVoltaire In the last months some ppl have lowered the ponies and the horses prices in a week... I don't wanna make names for respect but isn't possible to see some of the latest ponies/horses in bid board for 100/200LS. What's the point?
[16:11] Kelly (kellyisthename) sure
[16:11] Anaconda Carter yes kelly
[16:11] Kelly (kellyisthename) next to ana
[16:12] Anaconda Carter by the big blue person lol
[16:12] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) il punto è che se non ci mettiamo tutti d'accordo finiamo in banca rotta darian :)
[16:12] spicyheav3n Resident the point is that if we do not all agree, we end up in broken bank darian :)
[16:12] Kelly (kellyisthename) afterplease
[16:12] Anaconda Carter kelly youre up
[16:12] Kelly (kellyisthename) yes
[16:12] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Kylie aske
[16:12] Fhederica i´m have one idea too
[16:12] Fhederica i'm have one idea too
[16:13] Anaconda Carter i think the 100L open on a patron is ridiculous
[16:13] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) •*´¯`*•.¸¸★-:¦:- *I KNow RiGht * -:¦:-★¸¸.•*´¯`*•
[16:13] Kelly (kellyisthename) yes i agree
[16:13] Zenithblaze Fenwitch to low
[16:13] Zenithblaze Fenwitch *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*YESSSSSS!!!!*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*
[16:13] Kelly (kellyisthename) dropping prices wastes time
[16:14] pokerface Dover (pokerface77732.dover) me too
[16:14] DarianVoltaire agree
[16:14] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) how to solve the problem?
[16:14] Kelly (kellyisthename) lets hear it skye
[16:14] Benny Spingflower an open bid does not have anything to do with the final selling price ... people tend to forget this
[16:14] DarianVoltaire so if i buy for 100L$ have to resell for 50L$? Totally agree
[16:14] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) i'm asking
[16:14] Despina Boucher no auctions no bidboards at all skye
[16:14] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) agree anaconda
[16:14] spicyheav3n Resident agree anaconda
[16:14] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) i appreciate your enthusiasm tho
[16:15] ThicknJuic3yTaz Resident shouts: why would people sell a pony for 100Ls anyway
[16:15] Anaconda Carter but benny frequently the bid stays at that for the sale
[16:15] Geno Lupindo Pony sales trashed 4 weeks out of the gate
[16:15] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) se tutti smettessimo di fare open 100L sarebbe diverso
[16:15] Demonessa Afterthought i hve seen them for 50l
[16:15] spicyheav3n Resident if we all stop doing 100L open would be different
[16:15] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) non sono solo le patron auction
[16:15] spicyheav3n Resident they are not just the patron auction
[16:15] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) Geno there is an element of supply and demand
[16:15] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) bidboar drop auction
[16:15] spicyheav3n Resident bidboar drop auction
[16:16] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) i agree with the mother of dragons
[16:16] Benny Spingflower I agree with eve
[16:16] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) tutto open bid 100L è assurdo
[16:16] spicyheav3n Resident all 100L open bid is absurd
[16:16] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) 3 people , the market own that provides the platform
[16:16] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) *owner
[16:16] Geno Lupindo I guess when you look at what a sater costs why would any one sell anything for 100 or 200 L
[16:16] Anaconda Carter they benefit the person getting a horse for rock bottom prices at first but it affects the market in the long run and they end up losing
[16:16] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) in che modo bazza?
[16:16] spicyheav3n Resident how do you base it?
[16:17] Kelly (kellyisthename) my comment is far as the market goes and pricing....i think so many people are missing some math...forget about the amount you payed and have fun breeding.....just figure out what it actually costs for food salt ect....i have a personal minimum price for females of 299
[16:17] Kelly (kellyisthename) and minimum price of males for 599
[16:17] Kelly (kellyisthename) now i sale and i cover my costs that way
[16:17] Taty74 Resident the problem is that there are breeders who have not got anything for years and when they have had something you need to sell because someone has sold little
[16:17] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) what about new stuff Kelly
[16:18] DarianVoltaire Right Kelly
[16:18] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) tutti dovremmo fare in questo modo kelly
[16:18] Kelly (kellyisthename) i am a breeder for fun even though i own a breedable sim
[16:18] Benny Spingflower a minimum is a is just that .. a minimum
[16:18] Kelly (kellyisthename) and find a niche in the market
[16:18] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) yep benny
[16:18] spicyheav3n Resident yep benny
[16:18] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) yeah what kelly said
[16:18] Kelly (kellyisthename) step away from the crowd so to speak
[16:18] Anaconda Carter yes kelly so many ppl forget breeding for what they like
[16:18] DarianVoltaire and don't forget , not all have huge breedings
[16:18] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) you can't win trying to chase new traits, find a niche and get good at it
[16:18] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) what is everyone min price??
[16:19] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh i agree completel
[16:19] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) i piccoli allevatori sono schiacciati da i grandi che vendono a 100L
[16:19] Despina Boucher i remember times where all markets had a price policy of 500 linden
[16:19] Blush Topaz 100L
[16:19] Anaconda Carter but price fixing is a risky business
[16:19] Benny Spingflower 300 horses atm ponies 500 I think
[16:19] Kelly (kellyisthename) but as a general rule that is my prices and i make out fine and have fun
[16:19] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) avalon il prezzo di uno starter a quanto ammonta?
[16:19] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) 500
[16:19] spicyheav3n Resident avalon the price of a starter how much does it cost?
[16:19] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) me too Despina
[16:19] Tyna (tyna.avonside) the minimum price for a white walker should be different than that of an uncommon coat...
[16:19] Anaconda Carter starters from amaretto have different prices
[16:19] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) also depends on the traits i put alot of time n money into mine im not giving them away
[16:20] Demonessa Afterthought my min is set usually after i check markets to see what the common price is i then price to what seems most fair without undercutting the market or the guy on the stall next to mine for example...i do the leg work
[16:20] Benny Spingflower tyna .. the minimum is for the worst horse/ponie/ what ever of course the price can go higher
[16:20] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) parliamo di prezzo minimo ragazzi
[16:20] spicyheav3n Resident let's talk about the minimum price guys
[16:20] Fhederica if one breedable people want, np if start in 1L people can figth fot get but sometimes, people feel can loose the money invest
[16:20] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: that's the other issue Demonessa, people need to do the leg work
[16:20] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: yes good point but i am just covering costs for myself...its everyones own responsibity to figure out what is best for them......thanks everyone
[16:20] Anaconda Carter shouts: as someone who does crafts in rl, i never get my time back on a project, but i put a price im happy with on it and if it doesnt sell then it doesnt sell
[16:20] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) /me claps for Kelly
[16:21] Sone Quandry would be nice to be able to wake up the ponies
[16:21] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) ill add you to the list kylie
[16:21] ѕαννу (sweetsavannahjane) shouts: that is the problem though one person may value that white walker more than others
[16:21] Anaconda Carter thats not what this meeting is about waking them has nothing to do with the market
[16:21] saigonnnn add me too
[16:21] Benny Spingflower if you dont do anything to sell your breedables, dont expect them to be sold fast ...
[16:21] saigonnnn plz
[16:21] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) ok saigon
[16:21] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) right Benny
[16:22] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) me :)
[16:22] Benny Spingflower what list ?
[16:22] Benny Spingflower a okay
[16:22] Sone Quandry shouts: would be nice to be able to wake up the ponies
[16:22] Benny Spingflower :)
[16:22] Geno Lupindo LOL
[16:22] Geno Lupindo THE Loss of the MY SL Chickens Group did great harm to the promotion to reaching Chicken folks why did amaretto not fill that gap?
[16:23] ThicknJuic3yTaz Resident shouts: what Chickens Geno
[16:23] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) that's the third time you've asked that Geno
[16:23] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) if you need a new bird gtroup, start one Geno, and promote it
[16:23] Geno Lupindo Thats a big part promotion :)
[16:23] Sprinkles Monday I do what I want and like the gamble of the sale or no sale
[16:23] Geno Lupindo TY for your time :)
[16:23] Anaconda Carter geno this isnt about amaretto groups, myslchickens is most likely not coming back, there are other bird groups
[16:24] Anaconda Carter keep records of your breedings
[16:24] FERGI (fergi.rae) sorry
[16:25] ThicknJuic3yTaz Resident shouts: [16:24] Ɗαєηєяуѕ Ƭαяgαяуєη (uninilli): The market is suffering, in my opinion, from two key problems. The first problem is the people crashing the price and underselling everyone else in the market. We see this alot, not much can be done to stop it except speaking out against this behavior. do not remain silent about it. Patron auctions also crash the market, we need to lessen the amount of patrons or put an end to them completely. A breeder who I won't mention by name, had 4 patron auctions in the last 5 days where he opened everything at 100 or 500L. Which is not a big difference from what that breeder is doing at auctions with a few other well known market crashers. They in it for a quick buck undercut us all just to stay selling while the ones who trying to uphold the market/value and newer traits suffer because we refuse to open bid everything like them.
[16:25] Anaconda Carter shouts: the only solution to ppl who undercut the market is to not buy from them
[16:25] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) totally agree
[16:25] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) non lo faranno mai purtroppo
[16:25] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: agrees with Ana
[16:26] spicyheav3n Resident unfortunately, they will not
[16:26] Sprinkles Monday every one loves a sale
[16:26] Despina Boucher this is not working anaconda..
[16:26] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) agreed
[16:26] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) there are other solutions actually, but they're not pretty
[16:26] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) quali eve?
[16:26] spicyheav3n Resident what did you do?
[16:26] Anaconda Carter ava can i get on the list?
[16:26] Kelly (kellyisthename) yes
[16:26] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) yes
[16:26] Ged Garside your biggest issue is that many small breeders struggle to cover costs of food in particular. So, they are forced to sell at any price to continue to feed the animals they have. Allow these struggling breeders to get food from there haven points and the problem is then solved. It will reduce the number of aminals in the market place and allow these breeders better quality animals to stay at higher prices until a buyer is found
[16:26] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: the challenge is getting market owners to take a stand against this type of behavior and setting reasonable expectations for what type of auctions they will allow
[16:26] ѕαννу (sweetsavannahjane) do tell bewbs
[16:26] Kelly (kellyisthename) their are many ways to market breedables
[16:27] Raelyn (reannonluv) sorries
[16:27] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) d'avvordo
[16:27] DarianVoltaire Ged there are big breeders that sell their ponies for only 100L$ in bidboard
[16:27] spicyheav3n Resident of avvordo
[16:27] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) d'accordo
[16:28] spicyheav3n Resident agree
[16:28] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: Emmy I have talked to many breeders about pricing in my time doing this, so if you see something, say something
[16:28] Kelly (kellyisthename) ya i have asked skye about pricing in the past also
[16:28] Sprinkles Monday so if they could bring out more at one time then more can sell more
[16:28] Taty74 Resident with this way of doing little breeders will disappear and it does not seem right for those who have the passion for horses or other animals
[16:29] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) so true
[16:29] Fhederica i´m have 12 i´m think so
[16:29] Fhederica i'm have 12 i'm think so
[16:29] Despina Boucher the truth is.. that at the most of the auciton are 90% only sellers
[16:29] Kelly (kellyisthename) do it for fun,,,,
[16:29] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) amen!!!
[16:30] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) true Maxi
[16:30] Anaconda Carter there should be a limit of the amount youre allowed for a pnel, no more extras on the side
[16:30] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: Despina that's a big part of the issue, be a buyer too, not just a seller
[16:30] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: breed for fun/hobby first if you can sales is just a perk
[16:30] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: yup yup Demonesa
[16:30] Benny Spingflower i agree, I wont buy a panel with a ponie and a chicken , just because I personally dont like the chickens, so I would end up paying for a chicken to send it to haven in the end
[16:30] ToppaToo afraid to buy because of roumours of a dying market promote confidence in the breedable your breeding instead of focusing on negativity and expecting the market to grow
[16:30] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: hi5 Demonesa
[16:30] Fhederica sometimes people try sell some for buy food, people think only amaretto win, for all can get it´s for pay food
[16:31] Fhederica sometimes people try to sell some for food, people think only amaretto win, for all can get it's for food
[16:31] Felicia Lefevre shouts: Hell yes Demonesa
[16:31] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: hi5 Kelly
[16:31] Anaconda Carter if an auction says 2 unless theyre full sibs why doesnt the auctioneer make them keep to that
[16:31] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) esatto uni
[16:31] spicyheav3n Resident exactly the same
[16:31] Sussesweet heere
[16:31] Sussesweet here
[16:31] Fhederica I´m think better way, it´s if amaretto made one hud, can made one tool or hud, for new breeders and old breeders, for help to all to have idea to one price or put one percentage to rarity in the stats, that can help to all to have one idea what trait, people have, i´m know many people loose breedables, and amaretto no help to get back, personally lost somes, other way can be if amaretto give to breeders acces to every breeder have for can made one ticket for get back in the world, made some others breedables to reduce ticket, and work for amaretto team and have more time for think about how surprised us. or Made expectacular designs.
[16:31] Kelly (kellyisthename) ty Critter
[16:31] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: haha Daeny I buy all the time, ask most of the people here :D
[16:32] Fhederica this can help
[16:32] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: yup you do!
[16:32] Fhederica for made one valor to breedable
[16:32] Fhederica for made one value to breedable
[16:32] Felicia Lefevre shouts: I totally disagree amaretto has always be helpful to me and i know lots of others
[16:32] Fhederica some people start
[16:32] Fhederica if u´m start in Ponies for example
[16:32] Fhederica if u'm start in Ponies for example
[16:32] Fhederica and get new horn
[16:32] Fhederica and get new horn
[16:33] Fhederica maybe i´m set in 100L
[16:33] Fhederica maybe i'm set in 100L
[16:33] Fhederica and somebody buy
[16:33] Fhederica and somebody buy
[16:33] Fhederica i´m tell u for that pass me in Dogs
[16:33] Fhederica i'm tell u for that pass me in Dogs
[16:33] Despina Boucher is it your problem because you didnt took the effort to imform you
[16:33] Fhederica some people buy me one oin 100L when real price it´ to more to 9K
[16:33] Fhederica some people buy me one oin 100L when real price it'to more to 9K
[16:33] Despina Boucher its your own responsibility to do a price research
[16:33] Fhederica i´m try he send me back and he i´m think so sell later in much more
[16:33] Kelly (kellyisthename) thats unfortunate but take the time and use wiki and do research
[16:34] Fhederica i'm try to send me back and i'm think so sell later in much more
[16:34] Kelly (kellyisthename) ask ask ask
[16:34] Felicia Lefevre shouts: agree Despina
[16:34] Fhederica por eso estoy terca con eso
[16:34] Despina Boucher not going after auction prices or starting bids on bidboards!
[16:34] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: but that is why you have to do leg work on any trait you are specifically trying to sell
[16:34] Anaconda Carter i always tell people to check the markets or ask an auctioneer, since they see whats selling
[16:34] Despina Boucher breeding means as well marketing and management!
[16:34] Fhederica ones friends sell ones rares in 500
[16:34] Fhederica ones friends sell ones rare in 500
[16:34] Fhederica when cost more to 50K
[16:34] Fhederica when cost more to 50K
[16:35] Despina Boucher if you are lazy and complaining is it mostly your own fault!
[16:35] Fhederica i´m see that in 3 years or more i´m breed in amaretto
[16:35] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: its not hard to do the research
[16:35] Fhederica i'm see that in 3 years or more i'm breed in amaretto
[16:35] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) so true uni
[16:35] xalanareyno Serenity shouts: so true uni
[16:35] Anaconda Carter also check petrades for ideas
[16:35] Taty74 Resident yes and my responsibility but if they put a pony or a horse or other aim at 100 linden the little breeder to what he has to sell it
[16:35] Fhederica other day dennis set wrong one in 10L and somebody buy and knowing real price
[16:35] Fhederica other day dennis set wrong one in 10L and somebody buy and knowing real price
[16:36] Dennis (dennis247) be your brothers keeper if you see something priced wrong
[16:36] Anaconda Carter weve all done that
[16:36] ToppaToo exactly dennis
[16:36] Dennis (dennis247) advise
[16:36] Despina Boucher an to all breeders out here.. with the auctions! just do a little math... how many breedables are for sale at one auction... and how many real buyers are there... and here comes now the HUGE problem of the most breeders.. PANIC i didnt sell... lets do a huge price drop..
[16:36] Fhederica yes
[16:37] ToppaToo kylie you had a patron auction not so long ago did you not
[16:37] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) esatto kylie ma non solo i ponie, anche i cavalli e altro
[16:37] spicyheav3n Resident exact kylie but not just pony, even horses and more
[16:37] Anaconda Carter shouts: its an issue, one person sells a trait for high, then everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon and make money too, its human nature
[16:37] Sussesweet be nice
[16:37] Raelyn (reannonluv) i cant see whaaaat kylie said
[16:37] Raelyn (reannonluv) can someone paste for me please
[16:37] Blush Topaz I personally thought 300K was too much to ask, thats like $1,200 US
[16:37] Raelyn (reannonluv) Thank you!
[16:37] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) shouts: I think patron auctions killing market opening things 100 l I get several people my I'm saying omg they got 4 panels in auction this auction a 1 person show I see traits droping like donkey kong I just sit here shake my head for example one particular person I wont support the posh pony were going for 300k now we cant sell eye for 500 and even double longs now and new traits kinda wondering if that even help market cause because as soon as person gets the trait they kill it
[16:37] Ged Garside if you dont sell at a high price you drop the price until your forced to sell very low to get food
[16:38] DarianVoltaire I agree but not only on patron horses and ponies are sell for 100L$
[16:38] Despina Boucher shouts: if patron auctions are killing the market are all auctions killing it!
[16:38] ToppaToo hypocracy kylie you not only had a patron but sold two posh ponies at it
[16:39] Sussesweet shhhhh Toppa
[16:39] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: any auction that starts at 100l is killing the market.
[16:39] Anaconda Carter ava said no name calling here please toppa
[16:39] ToppaToo its true
[16:39] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: idk why the concept of supply is lost on people, new traits do not hold their value forever
[16:39] Felicia Lefevre shouts: a patron auction to to highlight someones best breedings not to crash a market or price drop, but i agree with the higher opening bids for sure
[16:39] ToppaToo not name calling at all
[16:39] Anaconda Carter dont make me stop this car
[16:39] Demonessa Afterthought lol Ana
[16:39] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: what bazza said is spot on
[16:39] Blush Topaz O.o
[16:39] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) lol Ana
[16:39] ToppaToo just pointing out an obvious contradiction in words and actions
[16:39] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) o.O
[16:39] Kelly (kellyisthename) i dont think you can blame patron auctions because of one bad experience...patrons are just people trying to sale like everyone else
[16:39] Sussesweet we are all on the same team here kids
[16:39] Raelyn (reannonluv) well i was thinking of trying a patron auction soon but but i guess i wont now lol everyone would be mad with me
[16:39] Despina Boucher shouts: why does everyone work against each other... in the past we stick all our heads together... worked on a price policy for all markets .. it is up to us to do a step like this!
[16:40] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) true Bazza
[16:40] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: everyone wants tto sell noone wants to buy unless low petrades sells most for me at right prices
[16:40] Anaconda Carter shouts: if people are selling at low prices because they need food for their animals, why do they keep birthing so many? figure out what you can afford without sales and keep the numbers down
[16:40] Sussesweet (slips everyone a chunk of chocolate to relax and enjoy)
[16:40] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: yeah patron auctions per se are not a problem
[16:41] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: Ana that's cray cray, you're talking sense!
[16:41] Anaconda Carter lol
[16:41] Bαɾɾყ Hυƚƈԋҽɳƈҽ (barry.hutchence) first off we cant tell ppl how to run there auctions its there own auction to run as they see fit but it is up to us to research our horses and set price accordingly
[16:41] Blush Topaz lol
[16:41] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: don't you know everyone is going to get that new trait and get rich!
[16:41] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: oh people that own sims have about 500 minimum per animal aye
[16:41] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I feel that the patron auctions absolutely hurt the market, no matter what the bids eventually go up to (the starting bids are still low and that's what the people see) which says that's the worth of the ponies, that's all everyone sees when they open bid. It's like people don't understand by doing this they are essentially hurting the market. The people who are having patron auctions almost weekly and starting their ponies at 100L have no pride in what they are breeding or they would see the worth of it
[16:41] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: Example, golden wings, the first one we saw up for sale started at 80k at auction, no bids, so it was dropped, BRAND NEW TRAIT!!! The next auction I heard it was down to 50k, so a 30k drop in a mater of a day or two? I mean people know this is going to happen, so why in the world would any of us pay 80k when we know it's going to drop like that.
[16:42] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I've heard at auctions they say, we're just open bidding for fun, or just because this is so cheap doesn't reflect the market, it most certainly does reflect the market. Also, the sim panels to "help keep the lights on" an example of that, long longs on the sim panels not too long ago for open bid, and people were still selling them for close to 5k, right there with that open bid, killed the prices on the long longs if you get what I'm saying.
[16:42] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i wish all breedable markets rules like the one i work for ...ijs
[16:42] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) /me that was me with the picket sign, i'm going to be giving those away soon, stay tuned :D
[16:42] ToppaToo so buy cheap and make a profit
[16:42] ToppaToo whats the problem
[16:43] Fhederica i´m think the problem no it´s the patron i´ts the way how can do, if u put one price similar to market maybe one % low can go, but when start to 100L people think this a real prices and enter in panic and reduce the price trying get some monney hw invest in that
[16:43] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: that was me with the picket sign, i'm going to be giving those away soon, stay tuned...I have a plan :D
[16:43] Fhederica i'm think the problem is not it's the patron i'ts the way how can, if you put one price similar to market maybe one% low can go, but when start to 100L people think this a real prices and enter in panic and reduce the price trying to get some monney hw invest in that
[16:43] Kelly (kellyisthename) well below 300 min ya only losing yourself buy its hurting everyone....ummm math math math...figure up what it costs
[16:43] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i'll take two Bewbs
[16:43] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: exactly vivian, wait for the drop
[16:43] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: I'll let you know when everything's ready to go Skye
[16:43] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) ✭ yus! ✭
[16:43] Kelly (kellyisthename) lol
[16:43] Felicia Lefevre shouts: patron auctions have been around forever why now they are killing the market?
[16:44] Kelly (kellyisthename) i want a sign Bewbs
[16:44] Fhederica sometimes its lots of traits in the grid, people no have time to end one proyect or think in what do
[16:44] Ɓαzzα Aмαreттo (bastian.hax) shouts: this is a POSITIVE chat to help us talk and see what our issues are in the markets, you don't have to agree with people's opinions but we should all be respecting each other
[16:44] Kelly (kellyisthename) dont allow dropping
[16:44] Kelly (kellyisthename) prob solved
[16:44] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Noooooo!
[16:44] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: Noooooo! drops where i work
[16:44] Fhederica and ponies it´s more spensive breed to horses
[16:44] Fhederica and ponies it's more spensive breed to horses
[16:44] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: But it's also the same people in most breedable who come in hard, make their fast bucks and move on to the next. People need to start seeing this and just not buy from them.
[16:44] Blush Topaz shouts: seems everyone is only concerned with selling one is considering the buying side
[16:44] Kelly (kellyisthename) woot skye its a waste of time anyways
[16:45] ToppaToo i think the real issue is the energy is being spent in the wrong place if we all promoted the ponies in a positive way to friends who dont breed the market would grow and so would demand which would automatically push up prices
[16:45] Ged Garside no drop so it just becomes open bid frm the start
[16:45] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) exactly kelly
[16:45] Fhederica yes
[16:45] Fhederica And it is
[16:45] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: omg i love buying and last week i spent 20k or so buying
[16:45] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) peanuts to be exact
[16:45] saigonnnn thank you
[16:46] ToppaToo i cant say i have seen a ponie sell at auction for 100l
[16:46] saigonnnn shouts: I agree with everyone else, the patron auctions are really damaging to the market value.
[16:46] Despina Boucher there is another side as well aphro ... a price drop of 5k weekly on the wings doesnt help you as breeder as well ... which is like .. as buyer im just waiting till the huge price drop happens again...
[16:46] XxmandyxX Dundee Magic (xxmandyxx.magic) hi :)
[16:46] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: agreed Saigonnn
[16:47] Taty74 Resident the problem is that horses or ponys always have the same people and when they have small breeders they have to sell them and this does not seem to me a good thing
[16:47] saigonnnn shouts: yield the floor
[16:47] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) o.O
[16:47] Kelly (kellyisthename) i am with you despina,,,,i always wait for prices to come down....then i do long term
[16:47] Blush Topaz shouts: I only get new traits after the prices drop
[16:47] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: I wish I could say the same but sometimes they're sooo pretty I cannot resist
[16:48] Kelly (kellyisthename) we are nuts though dina
[16:48] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) lol
[16:48] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: and they are those breeders that use theier alts to selll cheap
[16:48] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) I breed ponies for fun an havent bought anything in a long time. I have the ponie traits already and just sell for what people will buy for to try to get them to pay for their own food. hoping something new is coming lol before i have to down size again
[16:48] Felicia Lefevre shouts: see all these people saying how much they spend but some still say the market is dead?? its not dead
[16:48] Sussesweet i want to come sit by you then kylie-- lol
[16:48] Sussesweet Resident: shouts: i want to come sit by you then kylie-- lol

[16:48] Blush Topaz nice Kylie that you have that to spend
[16:49] Anaconda Carter shouts: i feel if some ppl can afford to breed hundreds and hundreds of horses they arent selling low because they need food lol
[16:49] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: the patron auctions have to go. it just makes sense. if i have 2 ponies to sell at an auction ill ask a lot more for them then if i have 20 to 30 to sell
[16:49] ToppaToo i agree felicia
[16:49] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I dont think the market is dead, but it is definitely hurting.
[16:49] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: people sale low because they dont realize the costs possibly so more mentoring from all of us will help
[16:49] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: i spend 100s of thousands on these ponies, and i have not made half of it back....thats not a thriving market
[16:50] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) è vero il mercato non è morto ma è sicuramente andato a calare rispetto agli anni indietro
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) if you're selling horses to feed horses, your debt to income ratio is upside down...get out while you're hurting the market
[16:50] Despina Boucher what i noticed since i came back breeding.. is that there is not really much communication between breeders .. market owners.. in the past we talked about pricing.. or i texted other breeders.. about price suggestions... when i couldnt find similiar ones on the market... what could help is to communicate more... and have a coffee and a smoke sometimes talking about our breedables.. chuckles.. and get drunken laughs
[16:50] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) quando mai avete visto minx deserta gli anni scorsi?
[16:50] saigonnnn shouts: whatever is said here, some people will be offended, but we must address the problem, if we can come to any solution
[16:50] spicyheav3n Resident when did you ever see deserted minx in recent years?
[16:50] ToppaToo bullying and drama and malicious roumours hurt the market to this needs to stop
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: if you're selling horses to feed horses, your debt to income ratio is upside down...get out while you're hurting the market
[16:50] ToppaToo i dont support it
[16:50] DarianVoltaire Agree spicy
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) me
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) darn
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) yesh i sent you IM
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) over an dover
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) wher is the love
[16:50] DarianVoltaire and not only minx... more than one breedables land is closed
[16:50] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) /me throws popcorn at Ava
[16:50] Anaconda Carter shouts: what do you think about the trade and barter groups affecting the market? why buy when you can get it free
[16:51] Anaconda Carter shouts: having said that i myself have benefited from them too
[16:51] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: and omg....50L a week for 100 prims! that market is going to close i betya
[16:51] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) what i never heard of that
[16:51] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: DAAAAMMMMMNNN dit
[16:51] ToppaToo breeders have always bartered if i give a pony to a friend for free that does not make ponies worthless
[16:51] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: I trade stuff all the time, idk why that would be an issue
[16:51] Anaconda Carter shouts: thats why i m asking
[16:51] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh its not Bewbs
[16:51] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) i trade stuff too once a while.
[16:52] Kelly (kellyisthename) heck dina and i spoil each other
[16:52] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: heck i've probably given stuff to a lot of people here LOL
[16:52] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i give new breeders stuff all the time
[16:52] Sussesweet holds out her hand-- grins
[16:52] Sussesweet Resident: shouts: holds out her hand-- grins

[16:52] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: me too skye!
[16:52] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: yeah im guilty of that too, new breeders. the struggle is real
[16:52] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: heck yes especially new breeders
[16:52] Anaconda Carter shouts: but my main topic is still stop birthing everything that drops if you cant support it without depending on sales
[16:52] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: lol Nicki
[16:52] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: new breeders, gotta give them the fix
[16:53] Anaconda Carter shouts: breed for the fun of it too
[16:53] Felicia Lefevre shouts: ive donated 100s and 100s of bundles nest kennels and baskets to the hunts so i dont think that is an issue really imho
[16:53] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: hi5 Ana
[16:53] Zenithblaze Fenwitch lol
[16:53] Benny Spingflower shouts: I agree with ana .. if yo dont have many LIVE breedables you dont have high costs
[16:53] ToppaToo its awesome to see so many passionate about the breedable definately a strong market
[16:53] ToppaToo :)
[16:53] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh amoc is another issue
[16:53] Anaconda Carter shouts: exactly benny
[16:53] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: i kill my ponies before i sell them for less than they are worth
[16:53] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) i have traded also and i have help breeders by getting them started again
[16:53] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i'm guilty of giving away clean, solid and pretty stuff but never gave away new traits
[16:53] Fhederica people no have time to made proyects, many traits in the grid, and when u do one proyect work more to 1 year to end and sometimes people no take value to u work, and i´m see people sell nice proyects in 20 to 100L
[16:53] Fhederica people have no time to make projects, many traits in the grid, and when one project work more to 1 year to end and sometimes people do not take value to work, and i'm see people sell nice projects in 20 to 100L
[16:53] Kelly (kellyisthename) ya donate all them breedables then ya watch and observe at the hunts
[16:54] Despina Boucher shouts: agrees with nikki!
[16:54] Anaconda Carter shouts: concentrate on the unique ness of what you have instead of jumping on the next big thing
[16:54] Blush Topaz i've never seen anything sell for 20L
[16:54] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) anaconda concordo ma non tutti gli allevatori possono permettersi di allevare senza vendere nulla
[16:54] spicyheav3n Resident anaconda I agree but not all breeders can afford to breed without selling anything
[16:55] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) Blush the other day I saw bundles for 10L
[16:55] Anaconda Carter shouts: right nicki, think fo what you can get with those haven points, instead of selling something for 50L
[16:55] Fhederica And it is
[16:55] Blush Topaz wow
[16:55] Fhederica yes
[16:55] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) but I had to run to work, no time to picket then!
[16:55] Kelly (kellyisthename) omg 50L
[16:55] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) thats insane
[16:55] xalanareyno Serenity shouts: thats insane
[16:55] Fhederica 25L ponies
[16:55] Ged Garside yep
[16:55] Blush Topaz yeah 10L bundles are worth more as haven points
[16:55] Kelly (kellyisthename) 25L why?
[16:55] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: pence, so british
[16:55] DarianVoltaire anyway all have talked about what's not going good but what we can ewally do for raise up the market again?
[16:55] Ged Garside not if you want food
[16:57] Felicia Lefevre shouts: yes DarianVoltaire I agree what can we do to fix it
[16:57] Benny Spingflower I agree with shaun
[16:57] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: well said Shaun
[16:57] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: im going to sound like an asshole here
[16:58] Anaconda Carter shouts: good idea shaun about the 10L appreciation tip when a panel doesnt sell
[16:58] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: i agree that people need to be more aware of the time auctioneers put in for sure
[16:58] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) right need to support eachother if your going to sell buy something once in a while
[16:58] xalanareyno Serenity shouts: right need to support eachother if your going to sell buy something once in a while
[16:58] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: auctioneer school to pool from
[16:58] Blush Topaz well said Shaun
[16:58] Despina Boucher no worries nikki.. i would fire all auctioneers and delete all bidboards.. hahahaahaa
[16:58] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) yea i always tip even if it dont sale
[16:58] ToppaToo lol despina
[16:58] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: same Katelynn
[16:58] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: there needs to be quality control all around though
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: i think good auctioneers should be compensated
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: its a talent
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: if you dont have the talent dont do it
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: keeps the auctions down
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: which keeps less to go to
[16:59] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: more people to go to the ones that count
[17:00] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: agreed critter
[17:00] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: if everyone and their sister and brother is running an auction letting every pony in...i mean cmon
[17:00] Kelly (kellyisthename) seems like new places open everyday with new auctions
[17:00] Blush Topaz no all Critter
[17:00] Blush Topaz *not all
[17:00] DarianVoltaire some ppl trying to do auctionieer coz not all are available to auction on others land also
[17:01] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: WTG Vivian!
[17:01] Despina Boucher shouts: sounds great vivian!
[17:01] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: OK I WILL DEMAND THAT AT PBR OK1K MIN BID IF WE HAVE AN AUCTION
[17:02] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Noooooo!
[17:02] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) If you're a breeders, please show your groups in your profile. The market is hurting from the deception of ALTs I've been outbid by people who's profiles are blank, or they are 30 days old, or they dont even have ONE breedable market in their profile. People are also setting up ALTS to under cut the market because their primary account can't sell it at whatever market value is...this is my experience I have Noooooo! proof but I stop bidding or buying from unknown , never see you before sellers and bidders.
[17:02] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Noooooo!
[17:02] Kelly (kellyisthename) i'm not scared to do it
[17:02] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Noooooo!
[17:02] Fhederica yes all happy and where it´s the buyers? only u can see some people have best traits and sold and no buy notting only steal monney and go
[17:02] Benny Spingflower ava can you please write something in the local chat ? a dot would be enough ... I dont find u lol
[17:02] Fhederica yes all happy and where it's the buyers? only u can see some people have best traits and sold and no buy only steal monney and go
[17:02] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) sorry trying to shout it
[17:02] Kelly (kellyisthename) omg skye for real
[17:02] Fhederica sell and go
[17:02] Fhederica sell and go
[17:02] Alana Tsikuris (alanareyno.serenity) •*´¯`*•.¸¸★-:¦:- *I KNow RiGht * -:¦:-★¸¸.•*´¯`*•
[17:02] xalanareyno Serenity shouts: •*´¯`*•.¸¸★-:¦:- *I KNow RiGht * -:¦:-★¸¸.•*´¯`*•
[17:02] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) .
[17:02] Benny Spingflower ty
[17:03] Anaconda Carter shout is control enter
[17:03] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: that's awesome bazza
[17:03] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: oh i used to not allow unless they had pay on file lol
[17:03] Avα Aмαreттo (avalon.crystal) kk
[17:03] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) Noooooo!
[17:03] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: If you're a breeders, please show your groups in your profile. The market is hurting from the deception of ALTs I've been outbid by people who's profiles are blank, or they are 30 days old, or they dont even have ONE breedable market in their profile. People are also setting up ALTS to under cut the market because their primary account can't sell it at whatever market value is...this is my experience I have Noooooo! proof but I stop bidding or buying from unknown , never see you before sellers and bidders.
[17:03] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: it was a mistake on my part but mimi wised me up years ago
[17:04] Anaconda Carter shouts: showing groups in prfile ad markets you frequent also helps those places
[17:04] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh i notice that myself skye
[17:04] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) I agree Ana
[17:04] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: helps get those who perve your profile to check them out too
[17:04] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: right Nicki
[17:04] Benny Spingflower I ran recently in many people who are complaing about the fact, that they dont make any money and they are blaiming the breedable market sim where they are on.... but if you ask them if they EVER advertised their breedables, or maybe gave petrades a try or did resarch on prices the answer to all of those is most likely " no " ... if you want to sell your breedables or for that matter, ANYTHING in sl.. you need to put effort into it ... if you tried all of that and it failed, then and only then .. you can in my mind complain
[17:05] Tyna (tyna.avonside) i have my fav in picks so they can TP there
[17:05] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: go benny go
[17:05] DarianVoltaire are u really think that an alter for privacy is a market problem?
[17:05] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: two thumbs up to Benny
[17:05] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) she's not saying that Darian, she's saying people are using their alts to bid up their bidboards and it's a deceptive practice
[17:05] Floosy Hubbard n1 Benny
[17:06] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: Petrades is great, I use it all the time, to buy and sell.
[17:06] Despina Boucher shouts: yeah benny go go!
[17:06] DarianVoltaire ah ok
[17:06] Anaconda Carter shouts: agreed benny i get complaints from ppl who say they cant sell, but i never see them doing any advertising
[17:06] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) i love petrades
[17:06] Despina Boucher shouts: i call them lazy butts!
[17:06] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: Despina you think i'm lazy
[17:06] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) lol
[17:06] Despina Boucher hahahaha skye
[17:06] Despina Boucher
[17:06] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: I'm lazy!
[17:06] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: i know i am and why
[17:06] Benny Spingflower they forget that there are hundrets of breeders ... and thousands of pets to buy .. you need to stand out somehow
[17:06] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh petrades was awesome before they started soaking me for weekly costs but to their credit they did that because they were copybotted
[17:07] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: me too Kelly
[17:07] Benny Spingflower that is all I wanted to say you can stop my time ava ty :)
[17:07] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: thank you Benny
[17:07] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: the 4 minutes also allows people to resond i thought?
[17:07] Anaconda Carter shouts: and dont forget if youre looking for something to buy an ad can also help with that
[17:08] Benny Spingflower oh okay sorry ^^ then dont stop it
[17:08] Benny Spingflower lol
[17:08] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) sono d'accordo sullo spam, i pet rades ecc ma il problema rimane sempre un altro e fino a che tutti non siamo d'accordo non andiamo da nessuna parte
[17:08] spicyheav3n Resident I agree with spam, pet rades etc but the problem is always another and until we all disagree we are not going anywhere
[17:08] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: hugs Benny lol
[17:08] Floosy Hubbard most breeders try to sell garbage also. Then upset cause we don't want to buy it
[17:08] Despina Boucher shouts: hahahah floosy!"
[17:09] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) <3 Floosy
[17:09] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: hi5 to Marku and Bazza for do all they can for the markets and advertising our sims
[17:09] DarianVoltaire Buy is your choice
[17:09] Fhederica i´m help all time to people, many people know me and i´m help all time
[17:09] Fhederica have many ims to day
[17:09] Fhederica have many ims to day
[17:09] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: garbage, I create master pieces
[17:09] Anaconda Carter lol
[17:09] Floosy Hubbard like sib sets with 5 different pairs of wings in each bundle, glooms on 2 bundles etc...
[17:09] Floosy Hubbard People will pay good money if it's good
[17:09] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) o.O Floosy
[17:09] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) lmao
[17:09] Anaconda Carter shouts: who else wants to speak let ava know
[17:09] Fhederica yes Skye
[17:10] Demonessa Afterthought one persons "garbage" is andother persons "treasure"
[17:10] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: lets not be assholes?
[17:10] Blush Topaz lol
[17:10] Anaconda Carter haha nicki
[17:10] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) lol
[17:10] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: lol nikki
[17:10] Ƥαм (spicyheav3n) i agree
[17:10] spicyheav3n Resident I agree
[17:10] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: buy and sell at right prices
[17:10] Fhederica mede one table to prices to help to all
[17:10] Despina Boucher shouts: work together not against each other and find a price policy for all markets!
[17:10] Fhederica or one % to rarity in stats
[17:10] Fhederica or one% to rarity in stats
[17:10] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I think patron auctions need to go, I mean some weekends they are every hour
[17:10] Ged Garside Get Amaretto to allow food to be purchased with haven points
[17:10] Floosy Hubbard most horses you see on panels are not worth more than 100 tho.
[17:10] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: explore new places to sale, grab a rental for a few weeks, meet new breeders
[17:11] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) nods
[17:11] Benny Spingflower shouts: dont birth to many baskets / bundles / nests / kennels .. it does hurt yourself .. and the market if you are in desperate need of money and you cant cover the food costs anymore and need to sell cheap
[17:11] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: Ask the market owners where you sale your breedables to set some standards or you're going to rent in place that does
[17:11] Despina Boucher shouts: again the question avalon please!
[17:11] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) this is about markets Ged, also, food is their bread and butter that's never ever going to happen lol
[17:11] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: not me i try to price fair
[17:11] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: NOT ME
[17:11] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: i do
[17:11] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: not me
[17:11] Anaconda Carter i dont
[17:11] Ged Garside i sell often at a price that is likely to mean a quick sale
[17:11] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) am a hoarder so not me
[17:11] Anaconda Carter shouts: and i dont overprice either
[17:11] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I def do, I had a new trait priced high and a market let one sell way too cheap which brought the price down to next to nothing
[17:11] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: i will not sell prime cheap
[17:11] Despina Boucher shouts: i have nothing priced lower than 500 linden .. since the day one i started breeding!
[17:11] Tyna (tyna.avonside) i go mid range with what petrades is going for.
[17:11] Floosy Hubbard I do most of the time otherwise nobody buys it. Food is not free
[17:12] Ged Garside it will not sell otherwise
[17:12] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i dont aske people to lower their prices, so dont ask me to lower mine... not gonna happen
[17:12] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) well say its full siblings not sure...
[17:12] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: they wont sale anyways,,, 2 weeks for Longs on is a test to the market
[17:12] Kelly (kellyisthename) you tell me why they dont sale
[17:12] Fhederica correct price for people can spend in that
[17:12] Fhederica correct price for people can spend in that
[17:12] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: i'm tired of people saying "well Skye you got it" that BS
[17:12] Despina Boucher shouts: a breeder who cant afford a breedabile for 500 linden can NOT afford food or landcost at all.. makes sense?
[17:12] Fhederica i´ts hard to say
[17:12] Fhederica i'ts hard to say
[17:12] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: maybe 25L and 50L being spammed everywhere?
[17:12] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: because people come to see yours and say, oh you're not goign tot get that, so and so had one at their market today for this price, so that kills that
[17:12] Anaconda Carter shouts: yes despina
[17:13] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: set at right price let customer decide
[17:13] Despina Boucher dennis did you ever got ripped off?
[17:13] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) shouts: Exactly Despina so they need to go....sorry...yeah i said it
[17:13] Dennis (dennis247) yes
[17:13] Fhederica one table to price to new traits can help i´m think so
[17:13] Fhederica one table to price to new traits can help i'm think so
[17:14] вrσwn sugαr (skye.rubanis) i gotta go they turning off the lights here at work
[17:14] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: yes but i learned my lesson
[17:14] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: market owners need to help each other not compete, there's enough breeders, buyers and sellers to go around
[17:14] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: absolutely!!!
[17:14] Despina Boucher shouts: 3 auctions at the same time!
[17:14] Despina Boucher shouts: i say it like it is.. this is stupid!
[17:15] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: jumping auctions
[17:15] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: like nikki said, stop being assholes
[17:15] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: o/
[17:15] Despina Boucher work together not against each other
[17:15] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: i admit i only attend usually one auctioneer i have checked out others but ...if they have the drop prices system in place i refuse to go back to another
[17:15] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: omg aph i have had renters tell me other sims have approached them to go to theirs
[17:15] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) Commit to one auction at the time
[17:15] Kelly (kellyisthename) thats sad
[17:15] Despina Boucher shouts: the same like vivian did!
[17:16] Benny Spingflower adding someone on a contact set just because he or she has visited your sim for just 1 minute, and then send a again " stanger " multiple tps to auctions .. can be considered " pouching too " in my mind
[17:16] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: realize that we're all here for the same thing
[17:16] ToppaToo a bigger market means more demand and higher prices all of you grow the market bring new people in
[17:16] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: woot Vivian
[17:16] Ged Garside That drives me mad. Its no respect for the other sellers after your turn
[17:16] Ɓαzzα Aмαreттo (bastian.hax) shouts: Marku and I will be implementing some changes to try too!
[17:16] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) yesh
[17:16] Despina Boucher shouts: or at least a 500 minimun!
[17:16] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: omg for real Bazzaa?
[17:16] DarianVoltaire The first thing to do is to not buy anymore good horses/ponies at lower and lower prices like 100L$
[17:16] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: no drops give best price
[17:16] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) yea id say 500
[17:16] Fhederica and how can people know the correct price to one amaretto breedable?
[17:16] Despina Boucher shouts: bidboards as well!
[17:16] Fhederica and how can people know the correct price to one amaretto breedable?
[17:16] Floosy Hubbard most breeders dont have 1k horses tho. how do you get around that?
[17:16] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: me
[17:16] Ged Garside yep
[17:17] Marina Kips what was the question??
[17:17] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) i help someone get started again
[17:17] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: how about kept someone from leaving?
[17:17] Fhederica need have one tool
[17:17] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: LMFAO
[17:17] Fhederica need have one tool
[17:17] Demonessa Afterthought over theyears yes last month i think birds a few night ago
[17:17] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) me
[17:17] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: lol
[17:17] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: me me me
[17:17] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: I've talked a few out of leaving
[17:17] Tyna (tyna.avonside) raises her hand as having brought her daughter in
[17:17] Lori Serevi I came back does that count ? lol
[17:17] Fhederica im get 1 eye We stand las vegas
[17:17] Fhederica im get 1 eye We stand las vegas
[17:17] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) i got one started up with birds. more bird breeeders
[17:17] Despina Boucher shouts: points to floosy .. he makes me starting breeding horses again!
[17:17] Fhederica and no pass in dogs
[17:17] Fhederica and no pass in dogs
[17:17] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: ME!!!
[17:17] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: lol
[17:18] мαиυєl (golwendir) forgive my intervention, but I think it's not just, a matter of economic, open bid, who or what kills the market. I think even sim managers and owners should provide better service. I try to explain better. We all know how important the spam is .. and since we face a spending to do a patron etc., in many cases I noticed disinterest, in the sense that spam is not done in the correct manner and time that is, I think we would like more passion, even the same owners should not only think about the safe gain, but help, make it easier for us to breeder, scraping their work in the right way, and unfortunately in my opinion this almost never happens. at least this is what I lived and it is as I think of it. I understand that not everyone can afford to spend exorbitant figures, but I do not conceive that prices crawl within a few weeks drastically .. i think i would like basic rules, as they are used in other markets, that give a standard to us breeders, and I repeat more help from those who can only do it by doing
[17:18] мαиυєl (golwendir) their job better, which in my opinion should first be a passion
[17:18] Fhederica just pass me in chickens
[17:18] Ged Garside but many just came to make big money and have now sold up and gone
[17:18] Kelly (kellyisthename) oh birds are fun
[17:18] Zenithblaze Fenwitch love my birds
[17:18] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: thats a good point manuel
[17:18] Demonessa Afterthought love the birds ...all amarettos have perks
[17:18] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: and the constant mass tp's to the auctions, if we want to go to your auction we will go
[17:19] Kelly (kellyisthename) i am about to put some more nests in the cooker soon
[17:19] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: LMFAO
[17:19] Fhederica lol
[17:19] Fhederica lol
[17:19] Lori Serevi we need mentors to teach newbies about how breeding works
[17:19] Fhederica jelly
[17:19] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: you don't count ava lol
[17:19] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: we had a group for market owners amoc
[17:19] Floosy Hubbard if you make a market group it becomes elite and people who say, don't like the creator will be left out
[17:19] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: i see mass tp as being optional if i decline to go i just close it
[17:19] Anaconda Carter she does it to me even when im already there
[17:19] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: we expect yours and they're not a bother each and every day
[17:19] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) lol Ava's the only one allowed to mass tp me
[17:19] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) lol agree with aph
[17:20] Floosy Hubbard no hard feelings shaun, but if you had ban rights to that group everyone would be banned :D
[17:20] Despina Boucher kick out
[17:20] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: he's goign to shop
[17:20] Ged Garside he sells
[17:20] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: depends on if they joined for sales or hobby /fun
[17:20] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: if sales he'll go poof
[17:20] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) all right I gotta go, you all take care, and good luck
[17:20] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) depends on if he thinks they are cute and wants to have some or if he is thinking he is going to make L's doing it
[17:20] Anaconda Carter hes gonna think they arent worth much
[17:20] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) my thought would be why am i going to invest in the breedables if others are selling them so low
[17:20] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: hugs Bewbs
[17:21] Dr. Bewblittle (eve.greymoon) shouts: hugs Demonessa
[17:21] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) depeneds really on what he wants to do a project
[17:21] Benny Spingflower shouts: in reply to aph at 17: 18: I dont have problems with tps from people on my friend list ... but if someone adds me or a friend who does not even have breedables to a contact set and bothers them with multiple tps a day so that u are forced to mute the person ... I do have a problem with that
[17:21] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: ok auctions,,,,ya get freebies right? hw does that help ?
[17:21] Anaconda Carter me too benny
[17:21] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: true benny
[17:22] Ɓαzzα Aмαreттo (bastian.hax) shouts: While your on that point Ava - The Amaretto staff are AMAZINGS!, and I'm not just saying that because I work as a mod... the whole team are fantastic awesome people and I have heard people talk bad about Amaretto or its staff, please if you see or hear such, nip it in the bud!, because Amaretto do more for its community than any other breedable IMO!.
[17:22] Anaconda Carter auctioneers, when there is a 2 horse or bundle limit on the panel please DO NOT let the seller keep adding freebies to it
[17:22] Demonessa Afterthought
[17:22] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) oooooh.. i have something to say.. breedable minipigs! :P hides behind bazza
[17:22] Despina Boucher shouts: as buyer.. if i like a ponie / horse.. i would pay 500 too and not only 100 because i respect the effort to other breeders they put into their breed!
[17:23] Anaconda Carter because it lowers the value of the 2 on the panel
[17:23] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: it used to be for owners then just evolved is all
[17:23] Despina Boucher shouts: amen ava!
[17:23] Benny Spingflower I started auctioneering because I like to talk LOL
[17:23] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) lol
[17:23] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: yes amen
[17:24] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: lol Ava i love it
[17:24] Anaconda Carter otuel this is being recorded for later viewing
[17:24] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) shouts: nope i do it because i love to see what you all are doing with your breedables
[17:24] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) yes
[17:24] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: and most importantly lets not be assholes
[17:24] Despina Boucher shouts: get nuts as auctioneer and say no the breeders which make low starting bids like avalon does!
[17:24] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) yes
[17:24] Benny Spingflower sounds cool ava ty :)
[17:25] XxmandyxX Dundee Magic (xxmandyxx.magic) great
[17:25] Salome Breil i would like a free market insteadof others dictating how i run my business
[17:25] Lori Serevi crud I wore my grubbies
[17:25] Anaconda Carter who is dictating salome?
[17:25] ToppaToo agreed salome each and every person is free to choose for themselves
[17:26] lisablissa Serenity Great meeting
[17:26] ToppaToo nobody should be bullied by another
[17:26] Dennis (dennis247) shouts: good evening all have a great night
[17:26] Anaconda Carter on your own land you can set the rules but if you sell on someone elses land they set the rules
[17:26] M̷a̷Z̷j̷i̷c̷a̷l̷ WƗҭCH (pam.nikitin) yes yezs
[17:26] ɮʟօռɖʏ (blondydude) mhmm
[17:26] Lori Serevi I came for the food lol
[17:26] Kelly (kellyisthename) ya got some packs allready
[17:26] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: wait what? food?
[17:26] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: agreed
[17:26] Zenithblaze Fenwitch o/
[17:26] Zenithblaze Fenwitch || Yaaaaaaaay n Stuff!!!!!
[17:26] Zenithblaze Fenwitch /
[17:26] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: try other markets, you will be surprised
[17:26] ToppaToo yawn
[17:26] Fhederica mix pack lol
[17:26] Fhederica mix pack lol
[17:26] Findle omfg
[17:26] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) bazza bullies me!
[17:26] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) lol
[17:26] Ɓαzzα Aмαreттo (bastian.hax) shouts: I've brought that up before... people should not be bullied, or singled out
[17:26] Despina Boucher he did marku?
[17:27] Anaconda Carter and markus piggies lmao
[17:27] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: dina bullies me marku
[17:27] ToppaToo but you like it marku
[17:27] Ɓαzzα Aмαreттo (bastian.hax) shouts: regardless with what they do
[17:27] Despina Boucher shouts: you should spank him !
[17:27] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) lol
[17:27] Raelyn (reannonluv) o.o
[17:27] Mαякυ Aмαreттo (markus.margulis) yes he did! he took my horses as hostage
[17:27] Nicki (nicki.afterthought) shouts: no
[17:27] Ged Garside how?
[17:27] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: tell me
[17:27] Despina Boucher shouts: pictures!
[17:27] Ged Garside beg?
[17:27] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) i have got into some big horses that i think are cute, i may have some of those priced low but i cant find any for sale in the markets
[17:27] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: oh contests
[17:28] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: umm events
[17:28] Katelynn Pax (katelynn.latzo) i got free food from photo contest yay
[17:28] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: yes i have got packs from events...just bust rl
[17:28] Fhederica i´m made one day and no win, smiles
[17:28] Fhederica i'm made one day and no win, smiles
[17:28] Ged Garside thats a hand full of ppl but thats not those struggling
[17:28] Fhederica try yes
[17:28] Demonessa Afterthought shouts: ooo hayday !!
[17:28] Fhederica need think about one theme
[17:28] Fhederica need think about one theme
[17:28] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: omg 1st place bull riding got a 25 pack
[17:28] Fhederica but i´m help many people all day
[17:28] Fhederica but i'm help many people all day
[17:28] Anaconda Carter and if its cheaper ppl will birth more horses
[17:29] Fhederica yes
[17:29] Fhederica And it is
[17:29] Fhederica or reduce prims
[17:29] Ged Garside lol, ok your trying to help a little
[17:29] Kelly (kellyisthename) shouts: oh and them hayball rolling thing
[17:29] Anaconda Carter yea picture of the week has no times on it
[17:29] Fhederica maybe can made one way to reduce prims to breedables
[17:29] Kelly (kellyisthename) ikr critter
[17:29] Ged Garside Ava,s getting 2000 pics by next week
[17:29] Fhederica maybe can made one way to reduce prims to breedables
[17:29] Anaconda Carter just drop that pic when ever youre at the camera
[17:30] Anaconda Carter and if prims are reduced you will birth moire horses
[17:30] Salome Breil i am all for community, and want all of us to suceed, i do hope that the community standingds set take into account the dealings that go on behind the scenes and we are no having 2 markets / rules (the public & the private)
[17:30] Anaconda Carter you cant make amaretto responsible for all your breeding decisions
[17:30] Áῥђ Ŧłὄṩṩвἔʀʛ (aphroditebesos.truss) shouts: me
[17:30] Fhederica it´s all comunitty
[17:30] Demonessa Afterthought ty for the effort i did
[17:30] Fhederica it's all comunitty
[17:30] Despina Boucher shouts: thanks for the possiblity to have this breeder table amaretto!
[17:30] Anaconda Carter what public/private rules salome?