Navigating the Horses Menu

From Amaretto Breedables Horse Manual
Revision as of 19:56, 15 September 2010 by Tmzasz (talk | contribs)
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"Main Menu" first blue menu

Go Home Consumables Send API Amaretto Website Stats Update Wake Up Riding Help Settings Breeding Feed

“Go Home”(Sends the horse to its home position)


Main Menu Sugar Cube Passion Pill Am. Cocktail Healing Kit Horsey Snack Endur. Elixer [Please refer to the Food, Salt Lick & Consumables section of the manual for what each individual consumable is used for]

"Send API"

[We established this button for 3rd party products. It sends the API to their 3rd party products over a certain channel.]

“Amaretto Website”

[Puts URL for the Amaretto Ranch Website in Local Private Message ]


[Clicking this button provides the horse stats in Local Chat]


[This button is for use with the Amaretto Updater. When an update is issued, you will rez the updater next to the horse, click the horse, click the update button and the horse will update to the correct version.]

“Wake Up”

[This button is used to wake up the horses. Your horse must be at 25% energy in order to wake up.]


Main Menu Speed [Running speeds Trot= normal av run, Gallop= 2x normal av run] Height Adjustment [Default, Height +1, Height -1] Too adjust your position on the horse Animations [Tiny2, Tiny3, Tiny4, Normal, Cowboy, Tiny1]


[Clicking this button will send you a notecard of the Amaretto Ranch Breedable Horses User Manual]


Send API Rename More Stats [Displays the following information: Not paired /Mating: Owner/ Food type: Breedable food/Home <52.49036, 217.18810, 21.40429> /Range 5 /Text On /Movement Locked/ Animations On/ Sounds On] Main Menu Set Home Set Range Text [On,Off] Movement [Normal,Phantom,Off] Animations [On,Off] Sound [On,Off]


Main Menu Pairing/Break Pairing Mating [Owner, Group, Anyone] Parents [Displays in local chat the parents names and their stats]


Pet Breedable Main Menu