API Info: Difference between revisions

From Amaretto Breedables Horse Manual
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Horse API:
Horse API:
Specific ID:Settings info:age:hunger:opal hairopal branding ear size ear type and racing speed and stamina:energy:fervor:happiness:gender:pairing info:pregnancy amount:leg trait:birthtime:home location:Breed:Mane:Tail:Eye:Version:coat gleam:hair gleam:coat luster:hair luster:coat gloom:hair gloom
Specific ID:Settings info:age:hunger:opal hairopal branding ear size ear type and racing speed and stamina:energy:fervor:happiness:gender:pairing info:pregnancy amount:leg trait:birthtime:home location:Breed:Mane:Tail:Eye:Version:coat gleam:hair gleam:coat luster:hair luster:coat gloom:hair gloom


Revision as of 23:24, 13 January 2017

List of Horse Traits Horse Coats Horse Eyes Mane & Tail Brandings Other Traits Leg Traits Wings Head Traits Horns Wild Hair Saddles Ear Tips Reins Beard Aura Qualified Breedings

API Info

Send API works on Channel -456733


Horse API: Specific ID:Settings info:age:hunger:opal hairopal branding ear size ear type and racing speed and stamina:energy:fervor:happiness:gender:pairing info:pregnancy amount:leg trait:birthtime:home location:Breed:Mane:Tail:Eye:Version:coat gleam:hair gleam:coat luster:hair luster:coat gloom:hair gloom


Bundle API: Debugcode:key!breed!mane!tail!eye!gleam!hairgleam!luster!hairluster!gloom!hairgloom!opal!hairopal!brand:Debugcode:Version

Sex: 1 Male 2 Female


0= Appaloosa Black 1= Appaloosa Brown 2= Appalossa Tan 3= Appaloosa Grey

4= Brown Bay 5= Copper Bay 6= Golden Bay 7= Red Bay

8= Black Painted 9= Brown Painted 10= Red Painted 11= Silver Painted

12= Creme Palomino 13= Golden Palomino 14= Silver Palomino 15= Tan Palomino


0= Amber 1= Baby Blue 2= Black 3= Dark Brown 4= Light Brown 5= Light Green 6= Midnight Blue 7= Silver 8= Violet 9= White 10= Yellow

Mane Type: 0= Normal 1= Long 2= Upright

Tail Type: 0= Normal 1= Long 2= Upright

Gleam: 0= none 1= low 2= high

Luster: 0= none 1= low 2= high

Gloom: 0= none 1= Gloom