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====[[Unicorn Horn]]====

====[[Steer Horn]]====
*Horn Brown/Teal
*Horn Silver/Purple
*Horn Gold/Yellow
*Horn Brown/Orange
*Bloody Shadow
*Bloody Spirit
*Toxic Slime Spirit 
*Toxic Slime Shadow 
*Glitter Silver 
*Glitter Gold 
*Glitter Onyx
*Royal Blue
*Candy Corn
*Purple People Eater
*Glitter Ruby
*Glitter Amethyst
*Mardi Gras

On February 10, 2014 Amaretto released the Limited Edition Valentine Treasure Blanco and Valentine Treasure Raven. These Limited Edition Valentine Horses were sold at all Amaretto Store Locations These were sold between February 10, 2014 and February 24, 2014 only!These Limited Edition Valentine Treasures had the hidden surprise of the  23rd trait the horn! They were Bloom, Shadow, Spirit, and Heart.
====[[Gem Crown]]====

On Saturday September 27, 2014 we added Haven Horse – Zebracorn to the Horse Haven vendor! Bred to a horned horse you could get the horns that they are showing on their heads Silver/Purple, Brown/Teal, Gold/Yellow, and Brown/Orange.

On October 3, 2014 Amaretto wanted to celebrate the changes of the season with some 2014 Limited Edition Fall Horses. These are absolutely adorable and are available from today October 3rd 2014 to Friday October 10th 2014, at all Amaretto Locations. These limited editions were hiding 4 brand new horn colors, Royalty, Envy, Sunset, and Prism.

On October 24, 2014 Amaretto celebrated Halloween with some 2014 Limited Edition Halloween Horses. Horses were sold at all Amaretto Store Locations These were sold between October 24, 2014 to November 3,2014. These Halloween horses had the hidden surprise of the Bloody Shadow and Bloody Spirit Horn!

On October 16th, 2015 Amaretto wanted to celebrate Halloween with some 2015 Halloween Limited Edition Horses.
====[[Crystal Tiara]]====
These are absolutely adorable and are available from October 16th, 2015 until November 2, 2015 at all Amaretto Locations.
Any breeding could possibly get new 1 of 4 new horns, Toxic Slime Spirit, Toxic Slime Shadow, Glitter Silver, and Glitter Gold

On March 23, 2016 Amaretto was pleased to present another Graduating class of Amaretto Ranch University (ARU) with special horses as graduation gifts. These horses were hiding the following horns Tribute, Trust, Celebration, and Esteem.
On July 1, 2016 Amaretto held the Amaretto Jamboree Auction and unveiled the second Horses in the line of even Deadly Sins Horses. Duckkulawas the winning bidder on the OOAK Seven Deadly Sins - Pride. Congratulations Duckkula! The Diligence and Audacity Horn was hiding in these OOAKs.
On October 7,2016 Amaretto release horse update version 5.5 and released new starters with hidden horns in them these horns were Glitter Onyx, Cyan, and Cooper.
October 21, 2016 to November 4, 2016 Amaretto sold the 2016 Halloween Edition Horses! You could get a chance at the new horns Candy Corn, Witchy, Spooky, and Purple People Eater from any breeding.
On February 16, 2017 Amaretto celebrated Valentines day with Valentine’s Edition Animals available at any Amaretto Location. From any breeding of these Valentines Edition horses you could get new Horn Glitter  Ruby and Glitter Amethyst.
On June 26, 2017 until July 19, 2017 Amaretto celebrated 4th of July with Celebrate Independence 2017 horses! You could get a new Celebrate Horn from any breeding of these Celebrate Independence 2017 horses!
On February 8,2018 Amaretto celebrate Mardi Gra with 2018 Mardi Gras Krewe of Amaretto Horses! You could get the horn Mardi Gra from any breeding of ther 2018 Mardi Gras Krewe of Amaretto Horses!
These Horns DO have the ability to pass on.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=4 caption="Horn">
File:Shadow.jpg| Shadow
File:Heart.jpg| Heart
File:Horn_BrownTeal.jpg|Horn Brown/Teal
File:Horn_SilverPurple.jpg|Horn Silver/Purple
File:Horn_GoldYellow.jpg|Horn Gold/Yellow
File:Horn_BrownOrange.jpg|Horn Brown/Orange
File:BloodyShadow.jpg|Bloody Shadow
File:BloodySpirit.jpg|Bloody Spirit
File:Toxic_SlimeSpirit.jpg|Toxic Slime Spirit 
File:Toxic_Slime_Shadow.jpg|Toxic Slime Shadow 
File:Glitter Silver.jpg|Glitter Silver 
File:Glitter_Gold.jpg|Glitter Gold 
File:Glitter_Onyx.jpg|Glitter Onyx
File:RoyalBlueHorn.jpg|Royal Blue
File:Candy_Corn.jpg|Candy Corn
File:Purple_People_Eater.jpg|Purple People Eater
File:GlitterRubyHorn.jpg|Glitter Ruby
File:Glitter_AmethystHorn.jpg|Glitter Amethyst
File:MardiGraasHorn.jpg|Mardi Gras

Latest revision as of 17:14, 23 July 2024