We Stand With Las Vegas: Difference between revisions

From Amaretto Breedables Horse Manual
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File:We_Stand_With_Las_VegasHorse.jpg|We Stand With Las Vegas
File:We_Stand_With_Las_VegasHorse.jpg|We Stand With Las Vegas

Latest revision as of 17:52, 7 May 2019

List of Horse Traits Horse Coats Horse Eyes Mane & Tail Brandings Other Traits Leg Traits Wings Head Traits Horns Wild Hair Saddles Ear Tips Reins Beard Aura Qualified Breedings

  • We Stand With Las Vegas

With the recent tragedy that happened in Las Vegas the Amaretto team wanted to honor the men and women who lost their lives, were wounded, helped the survivors get to safety, used their bodies as shields for total strangers and everyone involved in this horrific event.

So from Oct 6th, until Oct 8th you have a chance at the We Stand With Las Vegas eye being dropped from any breeding of all of our Amaretto animals. It is but a small tribute to everyone effected, just to let them know Amaretto Stands With Las Vegas!

This eye DOES have the ability to pass.